REDproject Digital Trip

There is no upcoming trip currently. Stay tuned!

REDproject: Reaching Everyone Digitally
Initiated during the pandemic, REDproject was a venture to continue with mission trips despite COVID-19 travel restrictions. With most activities happening online in the "new normal", missions could be done online too! Our digital trips are designed for anyone who has the desire to serve God in a cross-cultural context and is willing to learn new ways of ministry, especially digitally.
From 2020-2022, REDproject was able to reach out to 11 countries despite closed borders! 205 participants joined us on 25 projects and 383 people heard a Gospel presentation. Through our interaction, we had 596 spiritual conversations and 62 came to know Christ personally. Praise and thank God with us for the lives that were touched!
With technology, we can embark on oversea trips on virtual platforms right where we are. Come join us as we seek in Reaching Everyone Digitally through the use of popular communication tools!

Want to know how to plan a digital mission trip? Sign up now and we will send you the REDproject Guide! *We will only use your details to send you information related to Digital Missions.