Krong Kampong Chhnang (Dec 2024)

#GO - till His kingdom comes!

Many youths in Cambodia encounter challenges such as limited access to quality education. Dropout rates are particularly high among disadvantaged groups in rural regions. Bring joy this Christmas season as you organise an exciting programme for children (ages 3 - 12) and bless the local teachers at their retreat. Come make a difference in the lives of young ones!
Estimated cost: $600 (not inclusive of airfare)
Good to have: Able to play a musical instrument
For more information or any enquiries, please contact us at
*Dates, location, cost and nature of trip may be subject to change. In the event that the trip of your choice becomes unavailable, you will be invited to join another project. There is a separate non-refundable $50 (GST inclusive) charge that covers registration fee and other incidentals. Participants are required to attend pre-trip meetings (which will be arranged by the team leader about 1.5 months before the trip).
*The $50 registration fee is waived for participants going on another trip within the same calendar year.
Cru Asia Limited reserves the right to withdraw any participant from a #GO trip.