The Significant Couple 2025

Compulsory course preview on 9th January 2025 (Thursday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm at Cru Centre (#03-01).


During this session, time will be given to get to know the facilitators and class members.


Closing date for registration is 14 January 2025.


Course schedule for Wednesday, 7:30pm - 9:30pm 5, 19 February, 5, 19 March, 2, 16, 30 April,  7, 21 May


Please note all sessions will be on site meeting.

Course fee: $140 (incl GST, non-refundable)

Course book: To be purchased separately from Media Ministry (Man of Impact and The Significant Woman)


To register, click on “Attendee”. Please look out for an acknowledgement email to complete your registration.